Archive for January, 2013


Monday, January 28th, 2013

The atoms that make up your body are mostly empty space.

20 amazing facts about the human body

Your Favourite

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

Even in the 19th century you might hear your favourite symphony four or five times in your whole lifetime, in the days before music could be recorded.

Howard Goodall


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013


Winner’s Favourite

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

Book I’ve only read one book in the last seven years. It’s called Walter the Farting Dog. My fiancee gave it to me.
Film The Third Man, no question.
TV show Has to be Fawlty Towers.
Shop I don’t like shops.
Song Five Little Miles from San Berdoo. Jane Russell sang it in a movie. It’s the most stupid song ever.
View From my bedroom. On the north side you see the garden, which we floodlight with 168 floodlights, and on the other side you see Jimmy Page’s house, which I’ve also floodlit. If he objects, I’ll turn it off.
Place to go on holiday The Villa Feltrinelli on Lake Garda, which was Mussolini’s last home before he left it and got shot.
Restaurant The River Café.
Meal A good old English fry-up: fried bread, fried eggs, sausages, tomatoes, black pudding. Michel Blanc at Le Manoir does a very good English fry-up, and he’s French.

Michael Winner

Love & Discipline

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

At all times love and discipline have led to a beautiful environment and a good life.

Charles Eames


Sunday, January 20th, 2013

In architecture you should live for 150 years, because you have to learn in the first 75 years.

Renzo Piano

Much Too Good

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Pushkin, professional poet and Russian nobleman, used to shock the beau monde by declaring that he wrote for his own pleasure but published for the sake of money. I do likewise, but have never shocked anybody — except, perhaps, a former publisher of mine, who used to counter my indignant requests by saying that I’m much too good a writer to need extravagant advances.

Vladimir Nabokov

Laura Mvula

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Nina Simone sings The Beach Boys.

The Guardian


Thursday, January 10th, 2013

1. Non temere la solitudine perché è in essa che i nostri propositi si fortificano.
2. Segui solo il difficile, non lasciarti tentare dal facile: il difficile può portare al miracolo, il facile è per i pigri.
3. Fa’ che ogni tua azione sia sollecitata dalla bellezza, dall’onestà e sia sempre avvolta nell’umiltà e nella bontà!
4. La bontà, la chiarezza, la sincerità e il coraggio devono essere i pilastri dei tuoi pensieri, con la bontà si può conquistare tutto e tutti
5. Non lasciarti mai affascinare dal denaro; consideralo un mezzo, non un’aspirazione. Non essere mai avaro né con te stesso né con gli altri; è il più terribile dei peccati e porta alla grettezza e alla miseria.
6. Non temere la bella e legittima amicizia della donna, ma tieniti sempre lontano dalla volgarità; questa uccide l’anima.
7. Non essere mai debole, anche se questo ti costa doloroso sacrificio; ma nello stesso tempo sii sempre dolce.
8. Il tuo vivere e la tua concezione della vita sia libera da ogni pregiudizio, ma sostenuta da quella disciplina morale che fa l’uomo libero e coraggioso.
9. Non prendere l’abitudine di raccomandarti a Dio, ma ringrazialo sempre per tutto quello che fai di bello e di buono.
10. Non dimenticarti mai le preghiere.

Giacomo Manzù


Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

There is a kind of shrewdness many men have that enables them to get money. It is the shrewdness of the fox after the chicken. A low order of mentality often goes with it.

Sherwood Anderson