Tuesday, May 19th, 2009The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.
Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul.
Oikeiosis (dal greco οικεῖος) è un termine introdotto dai filosofi stoici per indicare la realizzazione, il fine ultimo degli esseri viventi.
Secondo gli stoici è la conoscenza del proprio io, tramite la synaesthesis, ovvero la percezione interna. Grazie a questa conoscenza di sé, nasce l’istinto di conservazione che consente lo sviluppo del proprio essere.
Questa conoscenza di sé è accompagnata dal senso piacevole di compiacimento ovvero l’oikeiosis. Grazie all’oikeiosis, secondo gli stoici, gli esseri viventi possono volare, nuotare, muoversi senza che nessuno l’abbia mai insegnato loro. In esso sono dunque racchiuse la forza, la salute, la bellezza, le funzionalità del corpo, cosi come anche l’amore per la propria specie e nell’uomo per la sua comunità.
Abstaining from meat one day a week is, according to Ghent councillor Tom Balthazar, “good for the climate, your health and your taste buds”. Indeed, the UN says meat and dairy production account for 18 per cent of greenhouse gases – more than the world’s entire transport system – and the amount of carbon saved by turning vegetarian for a year is, says the Vegan Society in Australia, equal to switching from a normal car to a hybrid for 12 months.
Too busy actually being creative most of the time. Everything that Twitter offers I need less of.
Simply planning, or engaging in, a protest is not, and should never be, a reason for arrest.
We often see animals appearing to move in unison, such as bison or fish. However, what looks like a team effort is in fact each animal jostling to get to the middle of the group to evade predators.
By contrast, an ant nest or a beehive can behave as a united organism in its own right. In a beehive, the workers are happy to help the community, even to die, because the queen carries and passes on their genes. However, superorganisms are quite rare, and only exist when the internal conflict within a social group is suppressed - so we cannot use this term, for example, to describe human societies.
It has been reported that tired drivers now cause more deaths on European roads than drunk drivers, and yet whilst it has become socially unacceptable to be drunk behind the wheel or in the workplace it is almost a matter of pride that we believe we can function properly when tired.
Yet you would not want a drunken surgeon operating on you or a drunken train driver taking you to work, so why would you accept a tired one?
What would we do if our aim was a world based on love?