Archive for the '5. do' Category
Sunday, January 11th, 2009Modello IV. Società orizzontale-individualista, postrivoluzionaria (attualmente non esistono esempi). L’ accento sarà posto sull’ uguaglianza e su quanto differenzia gli uni dagli altri; si tenderà all’ autorealizzazione, ma non a spese della autorealizzazione altrui; dovrà cioè trattarsi di un’ autorealizzazione che nello stesso tempo concorra alla realizzazione degli altri soggetti.
Friday, January 2nd, 2009I leave the
house, hoping (and
fearing) something’s changed
Your Ass
Monday, October 20th, 2008Everyone has heard “Girl From Ipanema”; it’s one of the most popular songs in the world, after “Happy Birthday,” “Yesterday,” and “White Christmas.” It has become a bit of a lounge cliché, but try playing it using the original Jobim chords — it’ll kick your ass.
Only Practical
Monday, October 20th, 2008Buy only practical furniture and never buy decorative “pieces”.
Laws Of Sculptors
Monday, October 20th, 2008Gilbert and George reiterated their manifesto from 1969, the “Laws of Sculptors”, which includes the rules: “Always be smartly dressed, well groomed, relaxed and friendly, polite and in complete control”; “Make the world to believe in you and to pay heavily for this privilege”; “Never worry, assess, discuss or criticise, but remain quiet, respectful and calm”; and, “The Lord chisels still, so don’t leave your bench for long”. “Ban religion,” they added for good measure.
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008“I often characterize my days as: I get up and I get to work and I run as fast as I can all day long—and about 10 times a day I run smack into a brick wall, and it knocks me down on my rear end,” Platt says. “But every so often when I hit the wall, there’s a door there. And I get to run through the door. It only happens infrequently, but once you run through that door, it’s quite glorious.”
Sunday, July 13th, 2008The industry is full of people who’ll go for a mechanism before they’ll go with instinct. We’re surrounded by Cambridge double firsts who are pointedly not using what they know. You just have to write with honesty. Emotional truth is the most powerful thing you’ve got.
Of My Day
Friday, July 4th, 2008I have never missed a meditation in 34 years. I meditate once in the morning and again in the afternoon, for about 20 minutes each time. Then I go about the business of my day. And I find that the joy of doing increases. Intuition increases. The pleasure of life grows.