September 23rd, 2011
September 21st, 2011In the middle of a particularly busy day, the emperor was driven to a meeting hall for an appointment of some kind. But when he arrived, there was no one there. The emperor walked into the middle of the great hall, stood silently for a moment, then bowed to the empty space. He turned to his assistants, a large smile on his face. “We must schedule more appointments like this.”
September 20th, 2011Without Sicily, Italy cannot be fully understood.
September 20th, 2011For where exactly, geographically, is Israel? It is the only nation on earth which does not know and will not declare where its eastern frontier is.
September 20th, 2011
A Poet
September 20th, 2011Our job is to become more and more of what we are. The growth of a poet seems to be related to his or her becoming less and less embarrassed about more and more.
September 19th, 2011
September 18th, 2011So at the end of the film I got up, and I was terribly British, I said, ‘So, who kind of liked the movie?’ And about a third of them put up their hands, and I thought, ‘Oh shit.’ So I said, ‘OK, who kind of didn’t like it?’ Two people. And I said, ‘Well, what else is there?’ And a guy in the front said, ‘Ask who really liked the movie.’ So I did, and they all put up their hands. And I thought, ‘Thank you, God.’
September 17th, 2011Dharma uses the word “God” with the frequency of a televangelist. It’s his way of reminding students that yoga isn’t gymnastics. Where other teachers urge students to “rotate the thighs inward” or “engage the quadriceps,” Dharma offers this instruction for refining postures: “Now, think of God.”