September 8th, 2010They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
September 6th, 2010Maria
September 6th, 2010Joie
September 5th, 2010Fantasia
September 4th, 2010
September 4th, 2010Oyster
September 4th, 2010Poor Britons, there is some good in them after all — they produced an oyster.
August 31st, 2010
August 30th, 2010I knew from advertisements I had seen in the local papers that for 600 lire I could get a frame built to my measurements in Genoa. Out of my slender savings I took enough for the train fare to Genoa and back, gave my measurements, and handed over the 600 lire. I would have to buy the fittings and tyres from my errand-boy salary. Oh how my legs used to ache at night through climbing all those stairs during the day! But I’m glad I did, because it surely made my legs so strong.
“Come back within a week your frame will be ready” said the owner of the cycle shop.”
But it wasn’t ready, and not the next week, and not the next. For eight weeks I threw precious money away taking the train to Genoa and still no made-to-measure bike for me. The fellow just couldn’t be bothered making a frame for a skinny country kid who didn’t look as if he could pedal a fairy-cycle, let alone a racing bike. I used to cry bitterly as I went back home without the frame. On the ninth journey I took a frame home. But it wasn’t a ‘made to measure’. The chap just took one down off the rack. I was furious inside, but too shy to do anything about it.